- 03-01-2022 (Done elsewhere) CT scan: 1.5cm RUL lung nodule suspicious for malignancy
- 04-01-2022 (Done at your facility which is CoC approved) Bx RUL: Invasive adenocarcinoma
- 05-01-2022 (Done at your facility which is CoC approved) RUL lobectomy 1.5cm mod diff adenocarcinoma
Question: What would be the date of first contact for your facility?
- 03-01-2022
- 04-01-2022
- 05-01-2022
Answer: 05-01-2022
Discussion: Patient diagnosed elsewhere, came to your facility 04-01-2022 for bx and at that moment in time the class of case would have been a class of case 30 [Initial diagnosis elsewhere AND reporting facility participated in diagnostic workup], but when they came back to your facility and had treatment on 05-01-2022 that is the date the patient became analytic because they had first course treatment at your facility, so per STORE” For analytic cases (Class of Case 00-22), the Date of First Contact is the date the patient became analytic.”
STORE 2022
Page 42 “If the Class of Case changes from nonanalytic (for example, consult only, Class of Case 30) to analytic (for example, part of first course treatment administered at the facility, Class of Case 21), the Date of First Contact is updated to the date the case became analytic (the date the patient was admitted for treatment).”
- Class of Case 00,10,13,14-Date of Diagnosis=Date of First Contact
- Class of Case 20-22=Date of First Contact=Date either Began or Refused treatment at the facility
- For CoC facilities, if not CoC, check your State for guidance