- 5-12-2024 Pleural fluid cytology-Staining pattern is consistent with metastatic carcinoma, most likely of breast origin.
- 5-15-2024 Oncologist stated the patient had pleural fluid cytology that was positive for carcinoma, most likely from breast primary. Will schedule imaging and breast biopsy.
- 5-20-2024 US guided left breast needle biopsy-Invasive ductal carcinoma consistent w/breast primary, grade 2.
Question: How would you code the date of diagnosis?
- 5/12/2024
- 5/15/2024
- 5/20/2024
Answer: 5-12-2024
Rationale: For 2022+ cases, cytology with ambiguous terminology is considered the date of diagnosis when there is positive histology that confirms the diagnosis at a later date.
SEER Program Coding & Staging Manual
- Date of Diagnosis
- Use the date of suspicious cytology when the diagnosis is proven by subsequent biopsy, excision, or other means
- Example: Cytology suspicious for malignancy 01/12/2023. Diagnosis of carcinoma per biopsy on 02/06/2023. Record 01/12/2023 as the date of diagnosis.
- Note 1: “Suspicious” cytology means that the diagnosis is preceded by an ambiguous term such as apparently, appears, compatible with, etc.
- Note 2: Do not use ambiguous cytology alone for case ascertainment.
- Use the date of suspicious cytology when the diagnosis is proven by subsequent biopsy, excision, or other means
STORE Manual confirms this with an example under the instructions for Date of Initial Diagnosis.