Tumor Tip of the Week-09-01-2023 Breast SSDI's No Longer Required - Omega Healthcare

Tumor Tip of the Week-09-01-2023 Breast SSDI’s No Longer Required

Tumor Tip header image

Scenario: Abstracting infiltrating breast case diagnosed in 2023. Per the SSDI manual the below fields are no longer required for 2023. My facility also decided not to continue collecting these fields. 

  • 3828: Estrogen Receptor Total Allred Score
  • 3916: Progesterone Receptor Total Allred Score

Question: How should you code these SSDI’s that are no longer required for cases diagnosed 2023 and after?

  • Blank
  • X8 Not applicable: Information not collected for this case

Answer: Blank


Site-Specific Data Item (SSDI) Manual Effective with cases diagnosed 2018 forward published (September 2022) Version 3.0

Note 1: This SSDI is no longer required by any of the standard setters starting with 2023 diagnoses.

  • For cases diagnosed 2023+, this SSDI may be left blank

***If your facility elects to continue to collect these fields, you will code appropriately.

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