Tumor Tip of the week 06-09-2023 Grade for LAMN or HAMN of the Appendix - Omega Healthcare

Tumor Tip of the week 06-09-2023 Grade for LAMN or HAMN of the Appendix

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06-09-2023 Grade for LAMN or HAMN of the Appendix

Scenario 2023:

Question:  How would you code the grade for High Grade HAMN?

  • 1 G1: Well differentiated
  • 2 G2: Moderately differentiated
  • 3 G3: Poorly differentiated
  • 9 Grade cannot be assessed (GX); Unknown

Answer:  2 G2: Moderately differentiated


  • AJCC Cancer Staging System: Appendix: Version 9 of AJCC Cancer Staging System (Version 9 of the AJCC Cancer Staging System) (p. 20). American College of Surgeons. Kindle Edition.
    • By WHO grading definitions, a LAMN is histologically graded as G1 or well differentiated.
    • By WHO grading definitions, a HAMN is histologically graded as G2 or moderately differentiated.
  • CAnswer Forum post
    • According to AJCC page 20 of the Appendix Cancer Staging Protocol, by WHO histologic grading definitions, LAMN is G1 or well-differentiated and HAMN is G2 or moderately differentiated.


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