Tumor Tip of the Week - 10-13-2023 Tobacco Use Smoking Status - Omega Healthcare

Tumor Tip of the Week – 10-13-2023 Tobacco Use Smoking Status

Tumor Tip header image

Scenario:  Patient states current use of e-cigarettes

Question:  How would you code Tobacco Use Smoking Status?

  • 0 Never smoker
  • 1 Current smoker
  • 2 Former smoker
  • 3 Smoker, current status unknown
  • 9 Unknown if ever smoked

Answer:  9 Unknown if ever smoked


Refer to the STORE/SEER Program & Staging Manual.  This field is required for cases diagnosed 2022+.

  • Do not record the patient’s past or current use of e-cigarette vaping devices, marijuana, or chewing tobacco in this field
  • Assign code 9 if it is documented that the patient uses or used smokeless or chewing tobacco or e-cigarettes or vapes

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