Tumor Tip of the Week-Testis SSDI's - Omega Healthcare

Tumor Tip of the Week-Testis SSDI’s

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3/25/2022 Presented to ER w/ scrotal pain swelling. A scrotal U/S identifies 0.6cm area in the left testicle suspicious for neoplasm. No CT or any other imaging done to assess regional lymph nodes prior to Orchiectomy. AFP elevated 40,000 ng/mL, LDH 398 elevated [upper limit of normal 271], HCG <2 within normal limits

4/1/2022 Radical Orchiectomy: 1.0cm Germ Cell Neoplasia, pTis pNX

4/10/2022 CT: 14cm Lt retroperitoneal mass displacing the left kidney suspicious for mets adenopathy

04-11-2022 AFP elevated 40,000 ng/mL, HCG <2 within normal limits, no LDH done

4/15/2022 Oncologist stage: cTis cN3 cM0 S3 and is started on adjuvant chemotherapy BEP

8/10/2022 Para-aortic LND: 8 LN’s negative

Field(s) Value Rationale
S Category Clinical 3 S3 Only one elevated test is needed LDH greater than 10 x N* OR hcG (mIU/mL) greater than 50,000 OR AFP (ng/mL) greater than 10,000 1.LDH is elevated but you need to determine if LDH is less than 1.5 X N or greater than 10 X N to determine if < 1.5 x N value calculate 1.5 x upper limits of normal. In this example that would be 1.5 x 271= 406.5] to determine if >10 x N value calculate 10 x upper limits of normal. In this example that would be 10 x 271=2710  Lab value was 398 thus LDH <1.5 x N 2. hcG within normal limits   3. AFP elevated >10,000 [pre-orchiectomy it was 40,000]    
S Category Pathological 3 S3: Only one elevated test is needed   LDH greater than 10 x N* OR hcG (mIU/mL) greater than 50,000 OR AFP (ng/mL) greater than 10,000   Post Orchiectomy LDH Unknown hcG within normal limits AFP 40,000 which is >10,000  
AFP Pre-Orchiectomy Lab Value 40000.0 Note 2: Record the lab value of the highest AFP test result documented in the medical record prior to orchiectomy or prior to any systemic treatment.
AFP Pre-Orchiectomy Range 3 Greater than 10,000 ng/mL
hCG Pre-Orchiectomy Lab Value 1.9 Medical record list hCG as <2 per SSDI manual General Instructions Record the value as one less than stated when a value is reported as “less than X,” and as one more than stated when a value is reported as “more than X.” One less or one more may refer to a whole number (1), or a decimal (0.1), depending on the code structure of the field. Thus, we would record as 1.9
hCG Pre-Orchiectomy Range 0 Within normal limits
LDH Pre-Orchiectomy Range 1 Less than 1.5 x N (Less than 1.5 times the upper limit of normal for LDH)  • Pre-orchiectomy lab value is 398 which is elevated to determine if < 1.5 x N value calculate 1.5 x upper limits of normal. In this example that would be 1.5 x 271= 406.5] Our value is <1.5 x N
AFP Post-Orchiectomy Lab Value 40000.0 Note 2: Record the lab value of the AFP test results documented in the medical record after orchiectomy but prior to adjuvant therapy.
AFP Post-Orchiectomy Range 3 Greater than 10,000 ng/mL
hCG Post-Orchiectomy Lab Value 1.9 Medical record list hCG as <2 per SSDI manual General Instructions Record the value as one less than stated when a value is reported as “less than X,” and as one more than stated when a value is reported as “more than X.” One less or one more may refer to a whole number (1), or a decimal (0.1), depending on the code structure of the field. Thus, we would record as 1.9
hCG Post-Orchiectomy Range 0 Within normal limits
LDH Post-Orchiectomy Range 9 LDH (Lactate Dehydrogenase) Post-Orchiectomy Range not assessed or unknown if assessed
Surgical Procedure of Primary Site 40 Per STORE/SEER Excision of testicle WITH cord or cord not mentioned (radical orchiectomy) [SEER Note: Orchiectomy with or without spermatic cord]
Scope of Regional Lymph Node Surgery   5 Per STORE Scope of Regional Lymph Nos Surgery Code 5 if 4 or more regional lymph nodes removed
Chemotherapy 03 Look up BEP Regimen SEER*Rx Interactive Antineoplastic Drugs Database [BEP Drug regimen=Etoposide, Cisplatin, Bleomycin all 3 drugs are recorded as chemotherapy]
Systemic/Surgery Sequence 7 STORE Surgery both before and after systemic therapy Systemic therapy was administered between two separate surgical procedures to the primary site; regional lymph nodes; surgery to other regional site(s), distant site(s), or distant lymph node(s).   Surgery to primary site-Orchiectomy Chemo Surgery to regional lymph nodes- Para-aortic LND

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