Scenario: 2023 Diagnosis of Thyroid Cancer
- Histologic type: Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma,
90% Follicular & 10% Classic
Question: How would you code histology? [multiple choice below, choose one answer]
- 8330 Follicular thyroid carcinoma
- 8340 Papillary carcinoma, follicular variant
Answer: 8340 Papillary carcinoma, follicular variant
Rationale: Solid Tumor Rules Other
Coding Histology
- Code the most specific histology or subtype/variant, regardless of whether it is described as:
- The majority or predominant part of tumor
- The minority of tumor
- A component
Note 1: Some site-specific histologies must meet a percentage requirement in order to be coded. Refer to the Histology Rules and the
appropriate site group Histology Table for coding guidance.
Rule H20 Code papillary carcinoma, follicular variant of thyroid (8340) when there are multiple papillary and follicular carcinoma subtypes/variants:
Papillary thyroid carcinoma, NOS and follicular carcinoma, NOS OR
- Papillary carcinoma, follicular variant and papillary thyroid carcinoma OR
- Papillary carcinoma, follicular variant and follicular carcinoma OR
- Any papillary thyroid carcinoma subtype/variant and any follicular subtype/variant listed in Column 3, Table 12
- Note: Some thyroid histologies are compound terms meaning two or more histology types are combined into a single ICD-O code. Use Table 12, ICD-O, and all ICD-O updates to determine if the term containing multiple histologies has a specific code