Scenario 2023:
- Colon Cancer Adenocarcinoma Case pathologist report margins as:
- Closest Margin(s) to Invasive Carcinoma Radial (circumferential) or mesenteric
- Distance from Invasive Carcinoma to Closest Margin Greater than 1 cm
Question: How would you assign the SSDI Circumferential Resection Margin (CRM)? [Multiple choice, choose one answer]
- 10.1
- XX.6 Described as “greater than” 3 mm.
Answer: 10.1
Consulted the CAnswer forum because we wavered between XX.6 and 10.1- J. Ruhl said to use the General rules and code 1 above stated value.
1cm =10mm, so we will assign 1 more above stated value 10.1
SSDI Manual-General Rules
- Recording values when “less than” or “greater than” are used.
- Record the value as one less than stated when a value is reported as “less than X,” and as one more
than stated when a value is reported as “more than X.” One less or one more may refer to a whole
number (1), or a decimal (0.1), depending on the code structure of the field.